Ali Hackett, King of the Oldies

The Philadelphia Walk of Fame

Hey Oldie Lovers…

This is the music that we’ve grown up to and on!!!

As I always say ..this music is not only good, but it’s not going anywhere!!

 I would like to invite you to be in the selection process of those who we feel “deserve, and should” be on the Walk, and in the Hall of Fame.

For so long we have been told who get’s in and not. 

There are recording artists from right in our Tri-State Area who were and in some cases still are great performers!

As I sit here and put this invitation to you together I can think of folks who had 1 hit but deserve a mention, as well as folks who had several hits.

 I’m asking that you look at your selection and weigh it out. there are “no” right or wrong choices, but if you choose a 1 hit ready to talk about your choice vs someone else’s choice.

This is the part where it gets to be fun and we all can learn, and make this and the music last!!!

Please enter as many times as you like, but be ready to speak about you choice!!!

Let’s get this thing started!!!